We are a liberal religious haven, sustained by tradition, boldly seeking justice and gently transforming lives through deeds great and small.

Join us this Sunday at 10:30 A.M. for our next service:


Join me, Alexander Riegel, on Sunday, May 19th, for “Waiting with Godot.” In Samuel Becket’s famous play, “Waiting for Godot,” Vladimir and Estragon, the two buffoon protagonists of the play, spend the entirety of the play waiting for Godot. Indeed, the play revolves around the fact that the entire point of their being has become to “wait for Godot.” The longer they wait, the more they contemplate the noose that hangs in the sparse background of the play’s setting (Suicide, said Camus, is life’s one philosophical problem.). Interestingly, Godot never arrives. Using this play as the backdrop of this sermon, Dr. Riegel will pose (and answer) the question, “What does it mean to wait with Godot instead of for Godot?”.

Can’t come in person? Watch this Sunday’s service at 10:00 a.m.

You can access our channel for all services here:


Learn more about First Unitarian Church by exploring this website,

This month’s Special Plate collection is for the Carter Social Justice Fund. On Carter Social Justice Sunday, we ask the Congregation to contribute to the fund.

The fund provides support to two organizations each year. In January, members of the congregation submit suggestions of organizations to be supported. This year Lighthouse Youth Services and Cincinnati Interfaith Workers Coalition have been selected to receive one thousand dollars each.

In addition, the fund supports the work of our focus groups. For example, The Earth Care Team helped the congregation recycle batteries. The fund reimbursed them for the cost. It also paid for postcards and stamps for Advocacy during the vote on reproductive rights.

To donate to Share the Plate (STP), please designate “STP April” on your online donations or make checks payable to First Unitarian Church of Cincinnati with “STP April” in the memo line.

Donations of all types (STP, pledge, or general gifts) may be made on our website, https://firstuu.com/give-now/ or through these additional methods: https://firstuu.com/social-justice/give/. Members may also donate through the Breeze online member system.

All are welcome to join our services.   We gather every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. 
Join us in person or watch online on our YouTube Channel:
For more information email member-care@firstuu.com 

We are a caring Unitarian Universalist community in the centrally located Avondale neighborhood of Cincinnati. We meet in a warm and graceful building, circa 1889, for worship services that nourish spiritual growth and learning throughout life. A self-governed congregation in good standing with the Unitarian Universalist Association, we are an active force for positive change through a variety of activities that serve our members and our community. 

If you are a member here, an internet traveler or a spiritual searcher, if you are experiencing hard times and need a hand up or are a social justice advocate, come to First Church and share in the celebration of life’s journey. We cherish human diversity, the differences in sex, age, race, ethnicity, national origin, range of abilities, sexual orientation, gender identity, financial means, education, theology and political perspective. These values apply to all of the activities of our Congregation.


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